Industrial architecture specialists

Our practice specializes in industrial architectural design & engineering for production and warehousing developments. Past projects span from technological retrofits of existing buildings to the complete planning and design of new green field facilities. Our projects are characterized by a focus on enhancing productivity through careful planning and engineering from the initial conceptual stage, throughout the project implementation phase and during project exploitation.

Recent Work

A brief selection of our most recent work can be viewed below and a more in-depth showcase can be consulted in the portfolio section of the website.

Our new website is still under construction so a more comprehensive overview of our projects can be seen in our portfolio booklet which can be accessed by clicking the button below:


A series of identity theft attempts have been made where third parties are claiming to represent our company. Please note that all requests from our company will be made via official channels from e-mail addresses corresponding to our domain ( / Our representants will always follow up on verbal discussions with confirmation e-mails from the afore-mentioned addresses. Our company assumes no liability for damages you may incur from such attempts.

O serie de tentative de furt de identitate a fost identificata unde terte parti pretind a reprezenta compania noastra. Va rugam astfel sa luati la cunostinta ca orice cerere din partea companiei noastre va fi facuta prin canale oficiale de la adrese de e-mail corespunzand domeniului nostru inregsitrat ( / Reprezentantii nostri, chiar si in cazul unor disctutii verbale vor formaliza cele discutate intr-un e-mail de confirmare de la adresele ante-mentionate. Compania noastra nu isi asuma niciun fel de responzabilitate pentru potentiale daune rezultate din astfel de tentative.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and are open to new challenges. Please get in touch and a member of our team will contact you about beginning the collaboration process.